Saturday, December 11, 2010

About me

Hey guys.
Its Abhinav this side.
I would like to share with you people something about myself.

Name : Abhinav
Age : 16 as of December 11, 2011
Aim : To be a giant in the industry. The best. The biggest. And the richest.
Other passions : Photography, Sketching, Chilling out, and Surfing. :P

Money. Is a necessity. Its what drives me on. Its something that is somehow connected to me.
I am basically a guy who loves to have fun. I am a complete sinner, and have a lot of vices.
I literally believe in living life king size. No matter what may come and what may go.
I want to be a personality much more lively and happening than Vijay Mallya and Sir Richard Branson.
If I had enough money then perhaps Id be as famous as them.
But it doesnt really matter, cause If I am not that famous right now. I will be one day. :)

If you have a craving for money, and think that its an integral part of you. Come be a part of this blog.
Lets create a new trend, a revolution.
Cheers mates.